Michel DUBOIS, “Science as Vocation? Discipline, Profession and Impressionistic Sociology”, ASp – GERAS, vol.69, 21-39, 2016
Although key categories in sociology since Max Weber, “profession” and “discipline” are often used in a superficial manner, without any rigorous definitions. This article provides examples of impressionistic approaches of those two notions by analyzing studies on the socialisation process in the world of science. Building from E. Freidson (1970 [1984]), Y. Gingras (1991) and R. Stichweh’s (1992) general line of arguments, I propose three main reasons to justify the need to consider “discipline” and “profession” as two distinct phenomena that the sociologist should study from the perspective of their interaction, but also of their transformation.
Discipline, profession, science, sociology, vocation.
Article accessible sur le site Asp – GERAS
Lire l’introduction de l’article : intro_duboisasp69.pdf