Michel DUBOIS, (avec Louvel S., Rial-Sebbag E.), coordination du n° spécial "Epigenetics as interdiscipline? Promises and fallacies of a biosocial research agenda", Social Science Information, Volume 59 Issue 1, 2020

Contents Special issue

Epigenetics as an interdiscipline? Promises and fallacies of a biosocial research agenda – Michel Dubois, Séverine Louvel and Emmanuelle Rial-Sebbag

Human rights in the postgenomic era: Challenges and opportunities arising with epigenetics – Charles Dupras, Yann Joly and Emmanuelle Rial-Sebbag

When more data means better results: Abundance and scarcity in research collaborations in epigenetics – Clémence Pinel

How to do things with epigenetics: An investigation into the use of metaphors to promote alternative approaches to health and social science, and their implications for interdisciplinary collaboration – Brigitte Nerlich, Aleksandra Stelmach and Catherine Ennis

New avenues in epigenetic research about race: Online activism around reparations for slavery in the United States – Élodie Grossi

On the institutional and intellectual division of labor in epigenetics research: A scientometric analysis – Julien Larregue, Vincent Larivière and Philippe Mongeon

From cellular memory to the memory of trauma: Social epigenetics and its public circulation – Michel Dubois and Catherine Guaspare

What’s in a name? The three genealogies of the social  in social epigenetics – Séverine Louvel
