Gianluca MANZO

Gianluca MANZO

MANZO Gianluca

Professeur des Universités

Professor of Sociology, Sorbonne Université (SU)
Director, Master Program in Sociology (SU)
Deputy Director (for Sociology), Doctoral School « Concepts & Languages » (ED433) (SU)
Editor, L’Année Sociologique
Member, Comité Nationale du CNRS (section 36, Sociology & Law)
Fellow, European Academy of Sociology
Past-Chair, American Sociological Association (section Rationality & Society)


Full CV (French)
Full CV (English)

Courses taught at Sorbonne University:

Social Stratification (Bachelor, 3rd year) (also taught at SU Abu Dhabi)
-> Main topic: Surveys (1st semester) and models (2nd semester) on the subjective perception of social structure
Social Network Analysis (Master, 1rs year) (also taught at SU Abu Dhabi)
-> Main topic: Ego-centered and complete network research designs (first semester); Data import, visualisation and analysis with R (2nd semester)
Computational Sociology (Master, 2nd year)
-> Main topic: Agent-based models with NetLogo
Analytical Sociology (Master, 2nd year)
-> Main topic: History, principles, and models of analytical sociology

For Master & PhD students:

Master or PhD students who would like to work on topics and/or methods that do not fall within my main research interests (see below) are invited to contact me AS LONG AS they see sociology as a scientific activity oriented towards explaining clearly identified macroscopic facts on the basis of well-defined research designs allowing to identify mechanisms that explain how we can move from the micro to the macro-level of analysis (and vice-versa).

In other words: I am not interested in critical (more or less politically committed) sociology nor in blah-blah-blah sociology exclusively based on interviews essentially leading to story-telling.

My substantive research interests are in sociological theory (namely, history and principles of analytical sociology and of action theory), in social stratification (namely, educational inequalities, social mobility, reputation hierarchies, and subjective perceptions of social structures, in particular of social classes and income distributions), and in the analysis of diffusion processes of opinions, rumors or viruses on complex social networks.

From a methodological point of view, I am especially interested in statistical techniques for causal inferences, computational methods (agent-based models in particular), methods for data collection and description of social networks as well as theoretical models of complex network topologies.

Dernières publications de Gianluca MANZO

Antecedents of generative thinking in analytical sociology: the contribution of Tom Fararo

Gianluca MANZO, Antecedents of generative thinking in analytical sociology: the contribution of Tom Fararo, The Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 1–22, 2024

Éthique de la recherche et méthodes en sociologie

Gianluca MANZO, Éthique de la recherche et méthodes en sociologie, L’Année sociologique 2024/2 Vol. 74  , 2024


Gianluca MANZO, Editorial, L’Année sociologique 2024/1 (Vol. 74), 2024, 9-15

Agent-based Models and Causal Inference

Gianluca MANZO, Agent-based Models and Causal Inference, Wiley, 2022, 176 pp

Research Handbook on Analytical Sociology

Gianluca MANZO, Research Handbook on Analytical Sociology, Research Handbooks in Sociology series, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021, 528 pp

"Complex Social Networks are Missing in the Dominant COVID-19 Epidemic Models"

Gianluca MANZO, "Complex Social Networks are Missing in the Dominant COVID-19 Epidemic Models", Sociologica, Vol 14, n°1, 2020

"Halting SARS-CoV-2 by Targeting High-Contact Individuals"

Gianluca MANZO, "Halting SARS-CoV-2 by Targeting High-Contact Individuals", With Arnout van de Rijt, [Submitted on 18 May 2020], 2020

"Agent-based models and methodological individualism: are they fundamentally linked?"

Gianluca MANZO, "Agent-based models and methodological individualism: are they fundamentally linked?", L’Année sociologique, Vol. 70-1, 2020

"Halting SARS-CoV-2 by Targeting High-Contact Individuals"

Gianluca MANZO, "Halting SARS-CoV-2 by Targeting High-Contact Individuals", With Arnout van de Rijt, The Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, Volume 23, Issue 4, 2020

"Social Boundaries and Networks in the Diffusion of Innovations"

Gianluca MANZO, "Social Boundaries and Networks in the Diffusion of Innovations", With Valentine Roux (eds), Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, Volume 25, Issue 4, 2018

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