Michel DUBOIS, Traduction arabe de Introduction à la sociologie des sciences, Publication of the Arab organization for translation, Liban, Traduction par Dr. Saoud Al-Mawl,Professeur de sociologie à l’Institut des Sciences Sociales – Lebanese University, 2008
This book provides both the specialist and the ordinary reader alike a comprehensive account of the most significant aspects in the sociology of the sciences which has progressed immensely in later decades.
The sociology of the sciences has contributed, besides the history and philosophy of the sciences, in enriching our knowledge with the conditions of the working of the scientific experience. The sociologists today probe the depths of the sociological and epistemological mechanisms which work toward illustrating the scientific inventions and make them prevail through analyzing the forms of communication and exchange among the researching scientists, the role of the professional standards and rules, the way of preparing the scientific essays to be published and even the method of performing an experiment in the laboratories. In this book there is a clear and well-detailed picture about all that.
Translation by Dr. Saoud Al-Mawl, Professeur de sociologie à l’Institut des Sciences Sociales – Lebanese University (543p.)