Directeur de recherche émérite au CNRS
Honorary-Emeritus Research Director
- 1975: PhD in contemporary history titre: Social and Political History of the Ecole Polytechnique sous la direction de W. Cohen, R. Kagan, F. Ringer
- 1967 – 69: M.A in contemporary and economic history (Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana)
- 1966 – 67: Overseas studies program, Faculté des Lettres, Université de Strasbourg
- 1963 – 67: B.A. in political science and history (Lewis and Clark College, Portland, Oregon)
Research themes
- With Anne Marcovich :
At the Junction of Artificial Intelligence and Academic Scientific Research. A historical, sociological and cognitive approach - A “history of differentiation in science over the “longue durée”: analysis of the transformations of cognitive and institutional territories and frontiers from the Middle Age to post-modernity.
- Epistemological Transformations and Traces in scientific research
- Science disciplines
- Instrumentation – research technology – generic instruments
- Transversalist sociology of science
- Laboratory studies
- Intellectual and social organisation of nanoscience and nanotechnology
- Education-industry relations / Scientific and engineering education / Industrial research / Innovation
- Science in the developing world
- Artificial cold
- Avec Anne Marcovich: “Scientific Instruments in the Making and in Action: A hundred years of Nobel prizes in physics”.
Recent conferences
- 26 November 2019 : Université de Nantes, Séminaire d’histoire des sciences :
Avec Anne Marcovich : Les Régimes de Recherche Scientifique comme Architecture de la Production et du Développement des Connaissances Scientifiques: Sociologie Historique Comparative sur la “Longue Durée”, des Structures et Dynamiques dans les Sciences. Une autre façon de faire l’histoire des Sciences - 7-8 June 2018 : Organisation en collaboration avec Anne Marcovich et Jochen Glaser d’un Workshop “Regimes of knowledge production” TU Berlin, Institute for Sociology, Fraunhoferstr. 33-36, 10587 Berlin. Avec Anne Marcovich : Conférence : « Science Research Regimes as Architectures of Knowledge in Context:
A Comparative Historical Sociology of Structures and Dynamics in Science” - 12 May 2016. Terry Shinn and Anne Marcovich. “A sociological and historical view of Nanoscale research” (Haber Institute Berlin).
- 8 April 2016. Terry Shinn and Anne Marcovich. “Scientific Instruments in the Making and in Action: A hundred years of Nobel prizes in physics”.
Instrumentation et organisation de l’activité scientifique. Journée d’étude organisée dans le cadre du projet IBIFA du LabEx SMS par Terry Shinn, Jérôme Lamy, Vincent Simoulin (Gemass Paris). - 15 March 2015. Terry Shinn. “New perspectives in research technology”. (MAST – Rio de Janeiro)
- 12 March 2015. Terry Shinn and Anne Marcovich. “Workshop with anthropologists and historians of science on transformation in science viewed through the lens of boundary.” (MAST – Rio de Janeiro)
- 5 March 2015. Terry Shinn and Anne Marcovich.“Intellectual and institutional transformations of western Science in the longue durée perspective”. (Conference for the 50 th anniversary of the MAST – Rio de Janeiro, Bresil)
- 7 novembre 2014. Terry Shinn and Anne Marcovich. “Where is Disciplinarity Going ?” Symposium, Society for the History and Philosophy of Science, HSS Annual International Meeting, Aarhus University, Chicago (USA)
- 19 March 2014. Terry Shinn, “The place of referent and borderland in the New Disciplinarity”. Institut für Soziologie in Techniksoziologie, Berlin
- 14 February 2014. Terry Shinn, Anne Marcovich. “Epistemological Transformations and Traces in scientific research : Lessons from the Late 20th Century”, Institut für Philosophie, Literatur-, Wissenschafts- und Technikgeschichte Technische Universität Berlin, Sekr. H 72 Strasse des 17. Juni 135 10623 Berlin l
- 23 July 2013. Terry Shinn, Anne Marcovich. “A sociological perspective on the Quantum Dot as a generic material”, International Conference on the History of Science, Technology and Medicine. University of Manchester, UK
- 5 July 2013. Terry Shinn, Anne Marcovich. “Respiration : A Component of Contemporary Innovation”, Lisbon Institute of Economic Studies
- 2 July 2013. Terry Shinn, Anne Marcovich. “Toward a New Disciplinarity ?”, University of Lisbon
- 23 September 2011. Terry Shinn. “Research Technology : Transversality and beyond”, Universität Stuttgart, 94. Jahrestagung der DGGMNT
- 22 September 2011. Terry Shinn. “Comparisons between Techniques, Selections and Focus in the Images Developed in Simulation-based and Experiment-based investigation in Nanoscale Research”, Universität Stuttgart, 94. Jahrestagung der DGGMNT
- 18 March 2010. “La recherche à l’échelle nanométrique : combinaisons et dynamiques “, avec Anne Marcovich, séminaire général, Institut des Nanosciences de Paris
- 18-19 October, 2009. “Nanoscale Research in France. Research, Stakeholders and Social Interactions”, with Anne Marcovich, meeting SIAMPI (Impact of Science on Society, program financed by the European Research Council), Valencia
- 17-18 June 2009. “Quills, Ink and Parchment: Instrument Research, Manufacture, and the Birth of Knowledge, 1999-2009”, with Anne Marcovich, Workshop Instruments in Manufacturing, Rice University,
- 2 April 2009. “Science, Technology and Innovation : Limiting Conditions of the Transversality Theory of Knowledge Production and Diffusion”, Strasbourg University (ULP)
- 27 March 2009. “Alternative Forms of Interactions between Enterprise and Academia”, UNAM, Mexico,
- 26 March 2009. “The Transversality of Knowledge Production”, UNAM, Mexico
- 25 March 2009. “Beyond Post-Modernity: Toward Interlacing Theory of Social Dynamics”, UNAM, Mexico
- 24 March 2009. “Perspectives in the Sociology of Science and Technology (1937-2005)”, UNAM, Mexico
- 16 December 2008. “Beyond Modernity and Post-Modernity – Toward an Interlacing Model of Social Interaction”, Francfort University
- 19-21 November 2008. “Conference at the International Symposium of Innovation & BahiaTec Technology Fair, Salvador de Bahia”
- 25 October – 8 November 2008. “Modernity and Post-Modernity Disenchantment Differenciation, Fragmentation, and the Interlocking Matrix”, conference within the Departamento de Filosofia, University of Rio
- 25 – 29 August 2008. “Cryogénie, nomadisme, interstitialité. Circulation et synergie aux USA après 1945”, Journées de la Matière Condensée, Strasbourg
- 26-27 June 2008. “Robustness through ‘Transversality’. Convergence, Cohesion and Validation in Science, Technology and Society”, communication au Colloque “Caractériser la robustesse des sciences après le tournant pratique en philosophie des sciences”, Université Nancy 2
Teaching activities
- 2006-2007: Masters level course, University of Paris IV – Sorbonne ; Doctoral seminar Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris
- 2001-2006: Doctoral seminar in Sociology, University of Paris I
- 1999-2000: Research seminar in sociology of science and technology, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris
- 1997 -2001: Doctoral seminar in history, University of Paris VII
- 1996: Doctoral seminar in sociology, New York University, guest professor
- 1992: Sociology lectures (Masters degree and PhD) Amsterdam University, guest professor
- 1990: history lectures (Masters degree and PhD), University of Montreal, guest professor
- 1985-1987: Sociology lectures (Masters degree), University of Paris VII
- 1981-1983: Research seminar on the relation between industry and academia, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris
- 1972-1979: Chargé de cours (History) University of Paris VII
- 1968-1970: Teaching assistant (History), Indiana University
Scientific Responsibilities
- Seminars series
Regimes of Science and Technology
Profiling Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, 12 November – 7 December 2007 - « Les parallèles entre les champs scientifiques de Pierre Bourdieu
et les régimes de recherche scientifique »
University of Perana, Institute of Philosophy and Social Science,
Argentina, 24 September 2007 - « Five Regimes of Science and Technology Research Production
and Diffusion »
University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, 21 September 2007 - Report at the scientific workshop « History of Scientific and
Industrial Instrumentation » organized by K. Reinhardt and H.
Tischler in Munich, Germany, 25-28 July 2007 - Co-organisateur avec B. Bensaude-Vincent et D. Vinck de l’atelier scientifique “Intellectual and Laboratory Dynamics of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Sociological, Anthropological and Philosophical Investigations”, Paris, 27-28 Avril 2007
- 2007:member of the Editorial Council of RECIIS, Electronic Journal in Communication, Information and Inovation in Health, edited by the Center of Scientific and Technology Information of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Brazil)
- 2006: member of the Advisory Board of Ciencia, Docencia y Tecnologia, biannual multidisciplinary referee scientific journal published by the Universidad Nacional de Entre Rios (Argentina)
- 2005-2007: co-director of Franco-German Volkswagen Foundation Grant on the sociology of nanoscience and nanotechnology
- 1998-1999: Organizing committee member “sociologie des connaissances” of the Association Internationale des Sociologues de Langue Française
- 1994: Organizing committee member, cinquantenaire de l’ORSTOM
- 1993-1995: Founding committee member of the “Impact économique des innovations” program, CNRS
- 1988-1992: Steering committee member of the Sociology of Sciences Working Group, International Sociological Association
- 1984: Organization of two round tables for the DIST, CNRS
- Editorial duties: Information dans les Sciences Sociales, Social Studies of Science, Science Studies, Sociology of Science Yearbook, EAST Newsletter, Science Technology and Society, Revue d’Histoire du CNRS, Epistémologie et Philosophie de la Science
- Médaille de bronze du CNRS (1981)